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Thread Lift

What is Thread Lift?

Also known as thread facelift, it is a procedure that involves lifting and tightening the targeted area using specially formulated threads applied to the sublayer of the skin. This procedure is summarized as a rejuvenation process, addressing issues such as wrinkles, sagging, and chin wrinkles in patients. The goal after the procedure is to achieve a more vibrant and taut skin. Flawed areas are identified, and threads are advanced from the sublayer of the skin to correct and lift them. The application continues at different angles until the skin reaches the desired position.

How is Thread Lift Perfomed

Local anesthesia is generally preferred during the procedure. Since it is a non-surgical intervention, the application concludes without the patient experiencing pain or discomfort. The duration of the thread facelift procedure varies from person to person and the area being treated, typically ranging from 30 minutes to 1 hour. It is important to note that this procedure is not a permanent solution, as the threads can be gradually dissolved by cells beneath the skin over time. The longevity of the results depends on the individual patient, varying due to metabolic factors. The effectiveness of the procedure may last up to a year. Thread facelift is a single-session application, utilizing four different types of threads during the procedure: straight, barbed, cone, and cogged threads. It is a method easily applied and can be performed on individuals deemed suitable based on health assessments. 

Advantages of Thread Lift

  • The use of local anesthesia allows patients to resume their social life immediately after the application.

  • There are no visible marks or scars after a thread facelift.

  • The procedure typically takes around 30 minutes.

  • It is a repeatable procedure.

  • The threads and needles used during the procedure do not leave permanent marks.

  • Immediate noticeable changes are observed after the application.

  • It is a painless procedure.

  • There is no restriction on applying makeup immediately after the procedure.


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